Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Welcome to AptCouture!

Welcome to Apt Couture, where the good life meets ingenious good sense!

Apt Couture caters to real-life twentysomethings seeking an unlimited lifestyle on a limited budget. If you count yourself among the many young degree-holders who have also graduated beyond the daily goal of plastering themselves at bars, but who still think paying $12 for an entree is for special occasions only, then you have come to the right place.

We are dedicated to our readers, not vendors. We have no interest in useless profiles of local shops or bars consisting of little more than a few terse lines of PR rhetoric. We have no need for glossy style essays lauding the virtues of a brand that you could only afford if your last name is spelled H-i-l-t-o-n. To the contrary, Apt Couture believes in honest discourse applicable to intelligent young "grown-ups" living on a budget...that is not augmented by a regular "allowance" from mom and dad.

Finally, Apt Couture is NOT a place to find smarmy, self-indulgent rants about why Crest tastes better than Colgate. Frankly, we just don't care. Instead, you'll learn about how to obtain top quality brand-name goods while paying less than retail at JC Penny's. You'll read about how to travel well without breaking the bank, or what it's like to take a second job in order to afford that trip in the first place. In short, Apt Couture is a place for discussing living well, even if you are not "well off" in the financial sense.

So welcome to Apt Couture, a guide to celebrating your good taste and ingenuity.

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